Monday, September 8, 2008

Sunday, 9/7

Today was a big day.  Mommy read to me for the first time.  She chose Green Eggs & Ham.  I liked the story, but Mommy sounded really silly reading it to me, so that was my favorite part.  I will be reading soon, but until then I will just let Mommy do it.  

After story time, we went to see Gangi & Pop Pop.  I love to swing with Pop Pop, but he always kisses my head and acts like he is sucking my brains out.  I keep telling him that I need my brain so I can be a CFP like my mom, but he never listens.  

Tomorrow I am going to go hang out with my mommy's mommy and daddy.  I'm really looking forward to it, except I'm going to miss my mommy.


Camels & Chocolate said...

I want to read Green Eggs & Ham to the runt!

brienne said...

her little cheeks are SOOOO cute!