Tuesday, March 17, 2009

My Past Week

Mommy and Daddy decided that it was time to do a few home improvements over the weekend. They completed phase one which went really well.  Daddy installed a ceiling fan all by himself.  We are all so proud of him.  
Mommy and Daddy spent most of the day on Saturday and Sunday thinking about what to change in the house.  They even asked my pals Julia and Charlie over to ask their opinions.  I think our house is going to look great when they finish.  

I learned to do a lot of new things last week.  I now can feed myself my bottle....
And sit up from laying down.....
I am getting to be such a big girl!
After my morning nap I showed Mommy how I could conduct music.  Check out my video.

Yesterday Mommy and I had a little fender bender.  Mommy hit a Jeep and it made a dent in our Honda.  It scared me really bad, but fortunately neither one of us are hurt.  This morning, Mommy and I had to go take the car to the shop and get a rental.  They gave us a bright red Pontiac.  I love red!! 


Anonymous said...

on my monstrosity. await your fate in my slow cooker.

Anonymous said...

that should have said "oh my monstrosity" not on...